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A History Of Art On The Porches

A History Of Art On The Porches

We asked Sue Boyle, the creator of Art On The Porches, to share her personal history of the event right back from when it all started in 1999! Here is what Sue wrote – I have recently been asked to recap the history of Art on the Porches for our new blog. I have been stressing out about this task because not only was it a LIFETIME ago for me,

Art On The Porches Is Awesome.

Art On The Porches Is Awesome.

Art On The Porches is awesome. If you don’t believe me, just ask the neighborhood kids who start chattering about it weeks ahead of time, who burst with excitement on AOTP Eve and cast a thousand curious glances out the window in the morning as their ordinary old street is transformed into a carnival. Or ask the neighbors you’ll see out at dusk every night for weeks, beautifying the street,

Home is where the (artist’s) heart is…

Home is where the (artist’s) heart is…

I’ve lived in a lot of places that are packed with creativity: Manhattan…Chicago…Providence, RI. Each one has a vibrant art and indie craft life of its own, brimming with uniqueness. When I first moved to Syracuse, NY I wondered if I’d find that same type of creative scene. At first, I thought hope was lost. And then? I found the most welcoming, interesting, and hungry art community I’ve come across yet. I was thrilled when